Welcome Newcomers
Whether you are new to the S.C.A. or just new to the Canton of Middlegate you have come to the right place!
The Chatelaine is responsible for making sure that newcomers to the local group are made to feel welcome and receive the assistance that they need to become active members of the SCA. Please feel free to contact him with any questions you might have.
The Society webpage also has a nice Newcomers page with a good deal of information about what it is that we do.
It is our hope that the links on this page will answer some of your questions about the Society for Creative Anachronism and its local branch, the Canton of Middlegate. If you still have questions after browsing the information provided through the links to the left, please feel free to fill out our newcomers form and one of our members, will contact you back as soon as possible.
The Canton of Middlegate has local gatherings throughout the week which inlcude our Arts & Sciences nights, Monthly Populace Gatherings and a local fighter practice held by one of our local members. More information on these and other activities can be found under our Activities tab in the menu.
All of our activities are open to anyone who wants to attend.
Please note: you do NOT need to be a paid member of the S.C.A, Inc. to enjoy being a citizen of the Canton of Middlegate, participate in local activities or attend events. However, paid members of the Society do enjoy certain benefits.